Council of School Representatives
The SNA-SC holds monthly Council of School Representatives (COSR) meetings at 11 AM on the first Saturday of every month (or suitable alternative) on the second floor of the South Carolina Nurses' Association (SCNA) building. All South Carolina nursing schools are encouraged to have a representative present. The focus of COSR meetings is to network, share ideas, and discuss state and national topics of interest to student nurses and the nursing profession. During meetings, members also receive valuable information regarding community health projects, legislative issues, membership programs, and information on state/national workshops and conventions.
COSR meetings are held at the SCNA building at 11 AM at
1821 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201
The SNA-SC will pay mileage for one vehicle from each school. In order to receive mileage, please bring a printed copy of directions from the school to the SCNA building.
COSR 2013-2014 Schedule
November 15th, 2014: COSR Meeting at 11 A.M. Minutes
December 6th, 2014: 11 A.M.
January 10th, 2015: 11 A.M.
February 14th, 2015: 11 A.M.
March 14th, 2015: 11 A.M.
April 4th, 2015: 11 A.M.
August TBD, 2015: 11 A.M.
September TBD, 2015: 11 A.M.
COSR Communications
The SNA-SC uses Google Groups to communicate with our constituents. Please subscribe to the SNA-SC COSR group by adding your email address below.
Please hit subscribe only once. You will receive an email message to verify your address. Click the "Join this Group" icon in your email and follow the instructions. An SNA-SC Board member will then add you to the group.